Shipping Policy

Shipping Methods

  • Express Shipping: 3-7 Business Days

    • Cost: $19.99 for orders under $69
    • Cost: Free for orders over $69
  • Standard Shipping: 4-12 Business Days

    • Cost: $5.22 for orders between $10 and $69
    • Cost: $7.74 for orders under $10
    • Cost: Free for orders over $69

Weight-Based Pricing

Shipping rates are determined by item weight and rounded up to the next full pound.

International Shipping

We can ship to most addresses worldwide; however, some products may have restrictions.

Order Estimates

When you place an order, we will provide estimated shipping and delivery dates based on item availability and your selected shipping option.

Estimated Delivery Time

Your order will typically arrive within the following business days after placing it on our website:

  • Processing and Transit Time: This includes both processing and in-transit time. Business days exclude Saturdays, Sundays, and U.S. holidays.
  • Delivery Estimates: For certain extended delivery zip codes, your order may arrive outside the estimated timeframe.
  • Holiday Periods: During holiday seasons and promotional events, please allow an additional 3-5 days for processing.